Dungeonbank News

This page lets you view news items created in NATS by the program owner. These news items can include new developments, announcements, noteworthy information for your affiliate account, or anything that the program owner chooses. Use the "Latest News Headlines" section on the left-hand side to select a news item to read; the full news item will then be displayed on the right, along with the date that it was posted, in the View News Article module.

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A farewell to Andrew February 22nd, 2008
Andrew, who started the XXXcumcash program with us back in 2004, who handled most program communications and acted as program admin for the last 3 years is no longer performing those responsibilities. With the implementation of NATS, John will be taking over all admin communications and payments, and of course, the NATS technical and support team will always be at his disposal for questions and issues you may have. Andrew is still a huge part of the BDSM affiliates community and maybe we can convince him to do some russian translations for us every once in a while :) Cheers to Andrew for his loyalty and hard work and thanks for the memories! テ頗テ窓 テ青サテ綜テ青アテ青クテ青シ テ青イテ青ーテ早!